Metric Parameters

Below are the parameters used in each of the metric functions

FieldData TypeDescription
dfString (df.to_json())Pandas DataFrame holding input data and data predicted by a model
y_trueString (y_true.to_json())Pandas DataFrame holding ground truth values. It should have the same protected_attribute and labels column as df
protected_attributeStringColumn in df signifying the sensitive trait (eg. class, sex, religion etc.)
privileged_groupStringColumn in df signifying a group with a historically positive label for their protected attribute (eg. male, abled)
labelsStringColumn in df that is the output of the model (eg. isHired?)
positive_labelString, BooleanValue in labels that is classified as positive
scoresStringColumn in df that contains the scores for each row
kwargsDictionaryExtra Values (planned to be used for users to specify custom metrics)
epsilonNumberTrivially small addend used in division operation to avoid division by 0 errors. Default value is 1e-10.
betaNumberBeta value used in F-Beta metrics explained below. Default value is 1 meaning all F-Beta scores default to F1 scores.

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