Quickstart Guides

We've prepared these tutorials to help you get up and running with the Fairo platform. Guides are focused around features and their key use cases to help maximize your learning and familiarity with our platform while also brining value to your organization.

Example Use CaseKey FeaturesRelevant Tutorials
Track Your AI Experiments and Manage DeploymentsManaged MLFlow- Set Up MLFlow Tracking
- Track Prompt Engineering Experiments
- Deploy AI Model Via API
Test Your AITest Suite, Fairo Metrics- Create Test Cases and Metrics
- Create Automated Tests
- Add Citations to Metrics
Build Re-usable Workflows and ProcessesFairo Core- Build an AI Deployment Process
- Track Process Adherence Across Tools
- Link Workflows to Policies and Compliance Elements
Define Access Policies and PermissionsRoles, Policies- Create a Read-Only API Key
Document and Track AI RisksRegistries- Create a Use Case Registry
- Create a Fairness Metrics Registry
- Create a Model Registry
Comply with Regulations (NIST, EU AI Act, FDA, and more!)Compliance LibraryContact Us!

Through these tutorials we hope to illustrate the vast array of use cases and value that Fairo can bring your organization. For users logged into our system, you can search these tutorials through Intercom and also access live support and Helpdesk to help walk you through these use cases.

Have a use case you think we missed? Feel free to reach out to us with your ideas and suggestions.